Tag Archives: Heated roof

Save Yourself a Fall Off Your Roof; Install Heated Gutters

Heated Gutters Keep Ice and Debris Clear So You Don’t Have Too

This is a true story. When I was a girl I looked out my bedroom window one winter afternoon and found my dad lying next to an oak tree in our front yard in direct line of our roof. I opened my window to inquire about his health (mental and physical). After a moment, he groaned that he had fallen off our roof. Needless to say, the roof was not a heated roof.

Upon further investigation I saw that the gutters just outside my window had perfect hand grips pulled down where my dad had tried to catch himself as he slipped off the two story roof. Having a roof de-icing system would have prevented his fall since he would never have had to be up there in the first place. The poor guy was trying to clear the gutters and roof from ice and snow when, like so many people do, he slipped and went right off to the ground below. Luckily his injuries were fairly minor, but the soreness of his body reminded him he didn’t need to do that trip to the roof again mid-winter. Installing gutter trace heat cables keeps your roof and gutters clear of slippery ice and snow and allows your feet to remain firmly planted on the ground, where they belong.

This afternoon I heard of another friend’s father falling off a ladder while attempting to gain access to his roof for the same purpose. Also a non-heated roof and also a slippery trap waiting to lure one into its clutches. His injuries were more serious than my dad’s. He sustained a head fracture as well as a broken back. Having a heated roof is not only convenient it’s also much, much safer. I’m sure we all have horror stories of being on the roof, either personally or someone close to us. Be safe, make the smart homeowner’s choice and put a roof deicing system in place and enjoy the safety of a heated roof and gutter trace system.