Upgrading my Driveway

I did it! I Installed a Heated Driveway. (Part II of “My Summer Projects“)

This summer I committed to installing a heated driveway. After my wife slipped and fell last winter, I knew the jig was up. (Now, before you rush to judgement, I DID shovel the driveway earlier that morning, but I guess I missed a spot. Dang snow shovel must have had a manufacturing defect.)

Most ladies’ shoes don’t go well with ice, and my wife’s field research emphasized this point. After years of close calls, she had finally had enough. I had to do something. Of course, I was also motivated by the ultimatum she gave as she writhed in pain on the cold pavement. It was either the driveway, or it was me. According to her, one of us had to go.

That may sound a bit harsh, and perhaps it wasn’t quite that dramatic, but you catch my drift. I’m not sure if she intended for me to dig up the driveway and throw it in the dumpster out of spite, or revenge, or what. All I knew was that I was going nowhere.

I guess you could say that I was a victim of friendly fire after the accident, but I can’t blame her for her tirade. In the heat of the moment, my wife unleashed a salvo of profoundly creative expletives, weaved into an almost poetic series of imaginative stanzas. Being the first one on scene, I took the brunt of the assault. I discovered that under the right conditions, she can make my old drill sergeant sound like a substitute first-grade teacher. But, enough about that.

I bypassed marriage counseling and reached out directly to Warmzone. I had checked out a couple other radiant heat providers, but I liked the way Warmzone approached things. These guys were consummate pros, and their customer support was impressive. They answered my questions and explained the options that would work best for us.

One option was for us to use saw-cut technology that would allow us to heat the existing driveway. To do this, small grooves are cut into the concrete and heat cable is placed in the grooves. Then a special epoxy is applied to seal the heating cable. A light coating of sand can then be applied to provide traction. This is an effective and affordable way to heat an existing driveway that’s otherwise in good condition. But, with visions of my wife laying on the icy pavement still fresh in my head, I determined that none of my old, crumbling driveway should be spared. We had other plans for that wretched concrete.

The original driveway was never a selling point for our house. In fact, when my wife and I bought the home, we knew that eventually, we’d need to replace the driveway. I also wanted to make a small change to the driveway’s layout. So, instead of heating the existing concrete, we decided to redo the poorly installed driveway. After all, it was either me or the driveway that had to go. Adios driveway!

Warmzone system designers created a detailed layout of my new heated driveway. The AutoCAD® included the complete layout of the system and every component, as well as all the information needed by the electrician. Thanks to the layout and free installation training, the system was installed quickly and easily, without any major issues or surprises. A couple of times, the electrician called and spoke with a technical support expert at Warmzone to ensure we were doing things right. That was nice because it allowed us to proceed with confidence. Overall, the process of installing the system went quicker than I thought.

In December, we got a significant early snowstorm. Wow, what a joy it was to look out the window on Saturday morning and see a serene, white landscape with a beautiful, snow-free driveway in the foreground. The automated system cleared – and dried – the driveway! Now that’s a safety feature we can live with. I tried to get my wife to make a donut run so she could appreciate the clear driveway, but instead, we stayed inside and admired the sight.

We were both exited with this accomplishment. I figured that it earned me a day or two of skiing – minimum. I’d have my wife join me, but her doctor said it would be best for her to avoid winter sports activities for awhile. But at least I redeemed myself and exacted revenge on that old driveway for her. (I also threw my defective snow shovel back into the tool shed.)

I think our “post-heated driveway” life looks bright. Now, if I could just get the old basement pantry rewired so the lights don’t keep flickering off unexpectedly. All in due time. For now, I’m going to have lunch and savor the success of this heated driveway.

“Hey honey, can you run downstairs and grab a can of chili for me?”

Yeah, life is good.

Read Part I, My Summer Projects.

Warmzone is one of the largest providers of floor heating, snow melting, and roof de-icing systems, as well as luxury home heating amenities. For more information about Warmzone radiant heat systems or luxury amenities, contact a friendly Warmzone representative today, at 888-488-9276.