All posts by Jenny Hallam

The Secret of Heated Driveways is Out

Driveway Heating is More Well Known Than Ever

If you were trying to keep your driveway heating all to yourselves, convinced that no one else deserved such a luxury, then you may be interested to hear that the heated driveway secret is out. More and more homeowners are catching on to the affordable, once thought of luxury of driveway heating. It is easier and more affordable than ever to lay radiant heat cables beneath your driveways and sidewalks.

Business owners are catching the wave of heat as well. The secret has spilled into their parking lots and loading docks and even showing up on school properties across the country as well. Radiant snow melting systems are a great way to keep property clear of snow. What was once a little known system has become a staple in winter-laden homes and businesses across the states. Heated driveways are efficient and require little power to access their heating power. The warmth keeps the snow from accumulating on the pavement and snow and ice danger is minimized with the flip of a switch. The automatic snow sensor keeps tabs on the temperature and snow fall so you never have to get up in the middle of the night to turn it on. The sensor detects those things for you and turns on and off when needed or not. Share the secret that is not so secret anymore with your friends and neighbors and tell everyone about driveway heating. They’ll love you for it.

Quiet the Gentle Roar of Your Furnace

Radiant Floor Heating is Silent and Efficient

Forced air furnaces can be loud and inefficient and exacerbate allergies. People still use them and enjoy the heat they provide, but perhaps they don’t know there is a better way to heat your home. After reading this, you will be able to say that you now know about radiant floor heating and the silent, efficient ways it can heat your home. If you’ve ever wanted to quiet the gentle roar of your furnace, lower dust and cut energy costs; you might just find the answer to all those conundrums lies with radiant heated floors.

Dad and baby on heated floor

Radiant heated floors are efficient and affordable for all homeowners now. The heat cables generate radiant heat using minimal energy yet producing powerful heating output. The radiant heat warms objects in your room so the warmth permeates everything not just trying to force warm air over cold air. The heating cables are warmed beneath the surface of your floor using power, but are relatively sound free as they go about their heating business. People with radiant heated floors comment that they enjoy how silent the systems operates compared to a rushing, gushing furnace kicking out artificially heated air through inefficient ducts, often through poorly insulated parts of your home. Radiant floor heat offers silent, efficient, affordable heat.

Roman Ruins Have Evidence of Heated Floors

Radiant heated floors are nothing new. There are Roman ruins that have radiant heating, proving that radiant heat stands the test of time. Newer products have such great technology that includes radiant heat cables that come with warranties that last longer and longer. Proving still that radiant heat is here to stay and will outlast the homes it heats. Radiant heated floors have long been prevalent and popular in Europe but are rapidly gaining use and popularity across the country. We’ve seen tremendous growth in radiant heated flooring.

A typical residential radiant heating system utilizes around 2,000 lineal feet of radiant heat cable. Industry sales have gone from 29.8 million lineal feet of cable in the early 90’s to more than 99 million in the late 90’s.* That is close to a 25 percent growth rate per year, which shows the gain in radiant heated flooring popularity. Some people are installing radiant heat throughout their homes; others prefer to use it in smaller areas like bathrooms or basement family rooms. Rooms with high ceilings are harder to heat so radiant floors are a good choice for these types of rooms as well. The Romans were on to something when they started using radiant heat and we still see benefits. As the technology as become perfected more and more modern day use is proving to be invaluable in home heating.

Make Heated Driveways Your Destiny

Life is Easier and Snow Removal More Efficient with Driveway Heating

At times destiny seems unavoidable, something you are tunneling forward without the realization of it. At other times you are busy “working” towards your destiny with lists of goals and fact sheets about how to best obtain your dreams. Sometimes, admittedly, the lines are blurred and if you make it through a busy day without cursing you feel proud of yourself. With the facts about heated driveways available on Warmzone’s informative website you can make driveway heating your destiny and change the way you feel about wintertime.

Heated driveway in concrete

Winter has many beautiful moments that make you feel glad to be alive, like when the first big storm covers the dirty gutters cluttered with autumn’s discarded waste. Then the realization hits you that you must clear that very same beautiful sparkling white snow from your driveway and walks. Driveway heating makes it possible to avoid all of that and makes life infinitely easier during the harsh cold months. Heated driveways have radiant heat cables fitted snugly beneath the surface of your driveway so they keep it warm and clear from accumulating snow. Driveway heating is an efficient way to keep the snow and ice levels manageable and your family is safer because of driveway heating as well. Even if heated driveways don’t feel like your destiny think of all the time they’ll free up, leaving you to keep reaching for your true destiny, whatever that may be

Unique Plumbing Challenges Can be Addressed with Pipe Tracing

Stop Pipes from Bursting

Living or working in a cold climate means you have to address certain challenges each winter. Snow removal, heating the interior, and keeping your pipes safe are just a few of the many quirks that come with enduring the winter. Homeowners and business owners alike have to face these challenges. Keeping your family and employees safe is the top priority, followed closely by keeping your property safe and running efficiently. Water pipes are a delicate part of your plumbing that must be monitored diligently and protected from freezing. Pipe tracing is an important part of the solution to that problem.

Heat trace cable installed on pipe of industrial facility.

Warehouses, attics, crawl spaces, or bonus rooms all have one thing in common; they are hard to heat and insulate properly. Insulation is always one of the top things on the check-list of things to do for these areas; and the pipes that weave in and out of these spaces should be added in the spot just below that in order to ensure they don’t burst during the coldest days and nights of winter. An unexpected cold snap could be the difference between a happy home or business and a miserable one. Bursting pipes resulting from frozen water can be potentially messy and very expensive to repair. Water damage is always a loaded problem, but pipe tracing can aid in the process of keeping your pipes safe. The heat cables wrap around your pipes and keep them consistently warm throughout the winter and are worth looking into if you have exposed pipes at home or in your work space. Contact Warmzone to request a quote to protect your pipes today!

Driveway Heating is What You Wanted You Just Never Knew It

A Heated Driveway Should Be on Your Wish List

Heaven forbid I be the bearer of bossy news, especially since you don’t know me. But trust me, driveway heating is truly what you want, you just might not know it yet. Allow me to illuminate the reasons you should put a heated driveway on your wish list. I feel confident that once you investigate driveway heating a bit more you’ll soon be on the heating bandwagon.

Heated tire tracks in driveway

First up, if you live where it snows make the call today to find out more. It’s simple really; if you have a heated driveway you don’t have to plow, shovel, or swear at the snow anymore. Snow melting systems will melt all the snow on your driveway plus your sidewalk if you choose to install heating cable there as well. Electric snow melting systems are easy to customize and can be installed just about anywhere or in any application possible.

Second, a heated driveway is an affordable and efficient way to maintain heavy snow loads on your property. The heat cables require very little electricity, plus they only run when conditions warrant. When the temperature is below a set point and the sensor detects precipitation, it signals the system to send heat to the cables. So these energy efficient systems operate only when needed, but they also feature manual override capability for times when it may be needed..

There are plenty of other reasons to consider a heating driveway system. But I’ll let you discover those for yourself as you explore this website and see for yourself that yes, you do want to put a heated driveway on your wish list.

An Evening Under the Stars with Outdoor Home Heating

Entertain Guest After the Sun Goes Down with an Outdoor Heater

Outdoor heating is slowly catching on as we all attempt to lengthen our summers and thwart the early nip in the air. Each of us long to spend more and more time outside enjoying the fresh air of fall, which proves tricky once the temperatures shift and dip. There are effective solutions to this problem with Warmzone’s line of radiant heat systems. You can install radiant heat around a fire pit and prolong your summer and fall nights under the starts.

Outdoor heating with patio heater

Outdoor entertaining is more popular than ever and more hosts/hostesses want to create a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere for their guests. Outdoor heaters can give much needed time to an evening under the stars. Wine and dine your guests as the sun sets and the air takes on the cooling temperatures of dusk. You can light your fire in your fire pit for a glowing, more intimate setting or fire up your stand alone outdoor heaters and let guest mingle beneath their cast off warmth. Jackets and evening wraps will not be in demand since your overall atmosphere will have a warm and cozy feel to it thanks to your outdoor home heating products from Warmzone.

Bathroom Heat and Towel Warmer

Towel Warmers Radiate Warmth from Top to Bottom

We don’t expect you to literally want a volcano creating havoc in your bathroom spewing molten lava all over the place, but if you can picture heat just like lava pouring over your towels then you have a good visual on the warming perks of having an attractive bathroom heater with a towel warming bar hung next to your shower or bathtub. Towel warmers provide efficient, comfortable heat for most sized bathroom with the added benefit of warming your towels for a toasty, luxurious treat after a bath or shower.

Wall heater and towel warmer

The first few steps out of warm water can be brutal and uncomfortable. You must move fast enough to wipe the chilling water from your skin as your teeth begin to chatter and you curse your skin’s automatic cooling response. Having a warm towel to wrap around your body is a great solution to that post shower chill and teeth chattering moment. A towel warmed by a bathroom heater envelops you in welcoming heat, never as hot as a volcano of course, but very soothing. A wall-mounted heat with a towel warming rack offers easy installation and elegant design. Clearly we don’t wish a natural disaster to strike your bathroom, but having the warmth much like a volcano is a most welcome benefit after a long relaxing shower or soak in your tub. Warmzone also carries a variety of other home heating amenities.

Radiant Floor Heat, You are a Superstar

Radiant Heat Has Star Quality

Seriously, what’s not to love about radiant floor heat? This affordable, energy efficient method of home heating is fast becoming a superstar in home improvement projects as well as the first go-to heating method of new construction. If you have a home or an office building and you live in a cold climate you will have to install some form of heating. Radiant floor heat has some star qualities that might help you decide to install a heated floor system.

Superstar Qualities of Radiant Floor Heat Include:

Silent Operation: The way a radiant floor heating system is installed allows it to be virtually noiseless when operating. This quiet operation is more relaxing for everyone inhabiting the dwelling or building.

Air Quality: Without the forced air from a furnace stirring up the air, creating dust particles, you enjoy a higher quality of air when using radiant floor heat. This aids those with allergies and helps to keep dust accumulation lower.

Heat Distribution: Using radiant heat means the entire space/room gets warmth thanks to the even distribution of radiant heat.

Comfort: Tile, hardwood, or laminate surfaces tend to get very cold in the winter. Heated floors gives the added benefit of warming luxury as you walk across an evenly heated floor.

Energy Efficient : You are more likely to feel warmer with your system set at a lower temperature which means your system doesn’t have to work as hard to reach your comfort temperatures and also doesn’t have to work as long, running only when you set it to run at the exact temperature you specify.

Appearance: Underfloor heat means just that; all the equipment is underneath your floor so there are no unsightly heat vents to vacuum around or arrange furniture to accommodate

Add Radiant Floor Heating Any Time

New Construction and Existing Homes Benefit from Radiant Flooring

Radiant floor heating
is a fantastic addition to any home and adaptable enough to be added to one room or the entire floor plan. Most homeowners believe that the installation of a heated floor is something best done during the initial construction of a home. The belief also exists that radiant floor heating be cast throughout the entire home, thereby maximizing the heating potential and benefits. The reality is that a heated tile floor can be added at any stage of home ownership and to any size space you desire to have a heated floor.

Heated tile floor in dining area

Who wouldn’t love to walk into a small tiled bathroom or entryway and feel the same luxurious heat offered by radiant heat floor systems? Radiant floor heating can be installed beneath tile, hard wood flooring, or carpet making this a conceivable reality for your smaller spaces. If you have access to the floor joists below then RetroHeat is a great fit for your home.

Achieving heat with radiant floor heating is easier than ever before. RetroHeat makes it possible to receive the same benefits of radiant heat without doing damage to your existing floors or causing costly damage in repairs. RetroHeat uses warming panels that are cut to proper length, then stapled in-between the floor joists. Using a RetroHeat floor heating systems under an existing floor can be added to any space and is an effective floor heating solution at an affordable price.