Category Archives: Radiant Heat News

An Evening Under the Stars with Outdoor Home Heating

Entertain Guest After the Sun Goes Down with an Outdoor Heater

Outdoor heating is slowly catching on as we all attempt to lengthen our summers and thwart the early nip in the air. Each of us long to spend more and more time outside enjoying the fresh air of fall, which proves tricky once the temperatures shift and dip. There are effective solutions to this problem with Warmzone’s line of radiant heat systems. You can install radiant heat around a fire pit and prolong your summer and fall nights under the starts.

Outdoor heating with patio heater

Outdoor entertaining is more popular than ever and more hosts/hostesses want to create a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere for their guests. Outdoor heaters can give much needed time to an evening under the stars. Wine and dine your guests as the sun sets and the air takes on the cooling temperatures of dusk. You can light your fire in your fire pit for a glowing, more intimate setting or fire up your stand alone outdoor heaters and let guest mingle beneath their cast off warmth. Jackets and evening wraps will not be in demand since your overall atmosphere will have a warm and cozy feel to it thanks to your outdoor home heating products from Warmzone.

Bathroom Heat and Towel Warmer

Towel Warmers Radiate Warmth from Top to Bottom

We don’t expect you to literally want a volcano creating havoc in your bathroom spewing molten lava all over the place, but if you can picture heat just like lava pouring over your towels then you have a good visual on the warming perks of having an attractive bathroom heater with a towel warming bar hung next to your shower or bathtub. Towel warmers provide efficient, comfortable heat for most sized bathroom with the added benefit of warming your towels for a toasty, luxurious treat after a bath or shower.

Wall heater and towel warmer

The first few steps out of warm water can be brutal and uncomfortable. You must move fast enough to wipe the chilling water from your skin as your teeth begin to chatter and you curse your skin’s automatic cooling response. Having a warm towel to wrap around your body is a great solution to that post shower chill and teeth chattering moment. A towel warmed by a bathroom heater envelops you in welcoming heat, never as hot as a volcano of course, but very soothing. A wall-mounted heat with a towel warming rack offers easy installation and elegant design. Clearly we don’t wish a natural disaster to strike your bathroom, but having the warmth much like a volcano is a most welcome benefit after a long relaxing shower or soak in your tub. Warmzone also carries a variety of other home heating amenities.

Radiant Floor Heat, You are a Superstar

Radiant Heat Has Star Quality

Seriously, what’s not to love about radiant floor heat? This affordable, energy efficient method of home heating is fast becoming a superstar in home improvement projects as well as the first go-to heating method of new construction. If you have a home or an office building and you live in a cold climate you will have to install some form of heating. Radiant floor heat has some star qualities that might help you decide to install a heated floor system.

Superstar Qualities of Radiant Floor Heat Include:

Silent Operation: The way a radiant floor heating system is installed allows it to be virtually noiseless when operating. This quiet operation is more relaxing for everyone inhabiting the dwelling or building.

Air Quality: Without the forced air from a furnace stirring up the air, creating dust particles, you enjoy a higher quality of air when using radiant floor heat. This aids those with allergies and helps to keep dust accumulation lower.

Heat Distribution: Using radiant heat means the entire space/room gets warmth thanks to the even distribution of radiant heat.

Comfort: Tile, hardwood, or laminate surfaces tend to get very cold in the winter. Heated floors gives the added benefit of warming luxury as you walk across an evenly heated floor.

Energy Efficient : You are more likely to feel warmer with your system set at a lower temperature which means your system doesn’t have to work as hard to reach your comfort temperatures and also doesn’t have to work as long, running only when you set it to run at the exact temperature you specify.

Appearance: Underfloor heat means just that; all the equipment is underneath your floor so there are no unsightly heat vents to vacuum around or arrange furniture to accommodate

Add Radiant Floor Heating Any Time

New Construction and Existing Homes Benefit from Radiant Flooring

Radiant floor heating
is a fantastic addition to any home and adaptable enough to be added to one room or the entire floor plan. Most homeowners believe that the installation of a heated floor is something best done during the initial construction of a home. The belief also exists that radiant floor heating be cast throughout the entire home, thereby maximizing the heating potential and benefits. The reality is that a heated tile floor can be added at any stage of home ownership and to any size space you desire to have a heated floor.

Heated tile floor in dining area

Who wouldn’t love to walk into a small tiled bathroom or entryway and feel the same luxurious heat offered by radiant heat floor systems? Radiant floor heating can be installed beneath tile, hard wood flooring, or carpet making this a conceivable reality for your smaller spaces. If you have access to the floor joists below then RetroHeat is a great fit for your home.

Achieving heat with radiant floor heating is easier than ever before. RetroHeat makes it possible to receive the same benefits of radiant heat without doing damage to your existing floors or causing costly damage in repairs. RetroHeat uses warming panels that are cut to proper length, then stapled in-between the floor joists. Using a RetroHeat floor heating systems under an existing floor can be added to any space and is an effective floor heating solution at an affordable price.

Lazy Winter Afternoons are Possible with Heated Driveways

Kick Back During a Snow Storm

Winter for most of us means a lot of hard work. Snow storms mean back breaking work for those of us stuck shoveling or plowing. Plus, it’s cold outside. Really, really cold. A heated driveway could change most of that. It won’t make it warm outside, but it will reduce your back breaking work. During a snow storm a heated driveway system would do all the hard work for you, keeping the ground heated to a consistent temperature that will not allow accumulation. Imagine the snow melting almost before it even hits the ground.

If you install a heated driveway you can start enjoying lazy winter afternoons, from inside your house. Piles and piles of snow could dump down on your lawn, but you can watch carefree from an easy chair inside the walls of your cozy home, while you sip something warm and steamy from a bright and colorful mug. It won’t bother you to see all that snow on your lawn because you know your driveway is staying clear thanks to the radiant heating cables lightly caressing the surface with warmth. Bright radiating warmth works so you don’t have to at keeping your sidewalks and driveways clear of snow. While you watch your poor neighbors toil endlessly all winter you can smirk and scoff behind the closed doors of your home and the whole time you can enjoy a lazy afternoon.

Radiant Heat – A Simple Way to Melt Snow

Heated Driveways are Fully Automated and Easy to Operate

A heated driveway is becoming more of a necessity every passing winter. More of us are moving to the outer areas of our cities to find more affordable housing. Often those homes come with long winding driveways or steep access drives to our property. A heated driveway provides a simple snow melting solution which is now quite affordable.

Installing a heated driveway gives you a reliable and fully automated to remove your snow each winter. A gully programmable sensor detects the amount of snow in collaboration with the outside temperature and activates the snow melting system only when needed. You honestly have very little thinking to do with a fully automated, maintenance-free heated driveway snow melting system.

Heated driveways make life so simple by eliminating the constant need to shovel snow or pull out your heavy snow blower and put gasoline in it. You also would no longer need ice melt to keep your sidewalks clear and the stubborn shady part of your driveway clear of ice. Heated driveways are now an affordable and simple luxury you can’t live without. You won’t dread the oncoming winter as long as you have a fully automated, maintenance-free snow melting system. Radiant heat will simplify your life and your winter.

Everybody is Talking About Radiant Heat

Radiant Heating is the Newest Trend to Stick

Radiant heat is not a passing trend. Radiant heat is proving its value more and more each day with homeowners, business owners, energy conscious consumers, and every day Joe’s and Jane’s like you and me. Radiant heating is showing up in home heating both inside and out and it is saving money and valuable energy.

Heated bathroom floor

When radiant heat is in use it requires less energy to operate when compared to other forms of home heating. Forced air is constantly trying to heat the rooms by blowing warm air which then rises to the ceiling as fast as it can and sits there in a part of your home where no one lives; unless they are a vampire and sleep like a bat on the ceiling of course.

Radiant heated floors start with your floor and then literally radiate the heat throughout the room, touching everything in its path warming it and retaining the warmth so the floor heating system works less with more energy efficient output. This so called trend using radiant heat in homes is starting to stick because of these reasons and more. If you bring up radiant heat in a casual conversation you’ll note that more and more people are aware of the benefits of using radiant heat to heat your home, driveway, or even your gutters. Everybody is starting to talk about the comfort and efficient heating accomplished with radiant heat and with a little research you can join in the on the savvy conversation.

Spring Unsprung with Radiant In-Floor Heating

The Cold is Fleeting but Your In-Floor Heating is Still Working Efficiently

The season we’ve all been waiting for is slowly starting to creep into our neighborhoods. Snow and cold temperatures are receding and spring is quickly becoming un-sprung. At last we can leave the house without seven different layers of warmth. There are still a few chilly days ahead for some climates, and the nights tend to still be nippy, so using your in-floor radiant heating system is still the best way to counter cold floors and keep your home warm. Radiant heat is an efficient way to take the edge off any frosty room or area of your home, and floor heating systems provide a luxurious warmth that spreads evenly throughout your home.

Each room – or zone – can operate independently because each zone has its own thermostat. There is really no better or more exact way to warm specific areas and rooms in your home. With radiant floor heating systems the heat initially caresses your feet before rising to warm the rest of your living area. Unlike forced air systems that require the furnace to operate at maximum level regardless of how many vents you close, radiant heat can be precisely controlled and no energy is wasted.

When spring blooms full force and the need for around the clock heating is no longer as pressing, using a lower setting on your in floor heating system will keep the chill at bay without needing to crank out large amounts of forced heated air. Radiant floor heating is a home heating system that can work for you year round and you won’t feel the sting of your energy bill working year round. The in-floor heating cables run radiant heat smartly from the floor to the ceiling so you don’t lose unwanted heat when it rises right out of sight. The heat will literally radiate all through your home and ease the stress of finding a cost-effective, energy-efficient means of heating your home. Check out the many different radiant floor heating and snow melting solutions available from Warmzone.

A Volcano of Heat for Towels

Towel Warmers Permeate Warmth from Top to Bottom

We don’t expect you to literally want a volcano creating havoc in your bathroom spewing molten lava all over the place, but if you can picture heat just like lava pouring over your towels then you have a good visual on the warming perks of having a wall-mount bathroom heater with a towel warming bar hung next to your shower or bathtub. Towel warmers provide efficient, comfortable heat for most sized bathroom with the added benefit of warming your towels for a toasty, luxurious treat after a bath or shower.

Wall heater and towel warmer

The first few steps out of warm water can be brutal and uncomfortable. You must move fast enough to wipe the chilling water from your skin as your teeth begin to chatter and you curse your skin’s automatic cooling response. Having a warm towel to wrap around your body is a great solution to that post shower chill and teeth chattering moment. A towel warmer and bathroom heater envelops you in welcoming heat, never as hot as a volcano of course, but very soothing. A wall-mounted heat with a towel warming rack offers easy installation and elegant design. Clearly we don’t wish a natural disaster to strike your bathroom, but having the warmth much like a volcano is a most welcome benefit after a long relaxing shower or soak in your tub.

Dream Big with In-Floor Radiant Heat

Don’t Limit Yourself When it Comes to Home Heating

Your mom and dad always told you to reach for the stars and to dream big. Now you are all grown up and it seems very little in life helps us actually feel like we’re achieving those big dreams. But when it comes to your home heating you can be a hero in your own right. You can dream of heating your house all the way to the sky, or at the very least from your floor to your ceiling. In-floor radiant heating can do that very thing. Radiant heat cables beneath your floor surface allow the radiant heat to permeate your home with comfortable warmth from the floor all the way to the ceiling.

Heated hardwood floor

It may not be feasible to send your heat all the way to the sky, but there’s no reason you can’t aim for at least the top of your wall paper. Home heating is simpler than ever with radiant heated floors. The heating cables coil quietly beneath the surface of your carpet and emit constant, comforting warmth throughout the room or the whole house if you are lucky enough (or smart enough) to install it in each room of your home. Each room can operate with its own floor heating thermostat, so you have precise control when it comes to efficiently heating only the rooms in your home that you choose. With forced air systems, you can close the vents the rooms where you don’t need the heat, but the furnace still operates at the same level. With radiant heated floors, you can choose exactly what rooms to heat so you don’t waste any energy. Now that’s a smart way to warm your floors and heat your home.

In addition to in-floor heating being an energy efficient method of home heating, radiant heat systems also cut down on unwanted dust and allergens as well, which are two notorious downfalls of forced air. Go big, dream big, and heat big – without the BIG utility bill. With in-floor radiant heating you’ll be achieving the best in home heating