I still remember the day when my wife and I moved into our first home. After years of bouncing from one apartment to the next, we finally had the savings – and income – to take on a mortgage. While it was an exciting time, it was also a time filled with stress and trepidation. For so long, we’d been focused on taking the giant leap from renting to owning, but we quickly had to learn that the expenses don’t stop with the monthly mortgage payment. Owning a home involved a host of other responsibilities and expenses.
For as much as I bemoaned apartment life, it did have its strong points. If there was ever a problem with the plumbing, or the air conditioner needed to be fixed, I could just call the landlord. But now, I was the landlord now. The buck stopped here – with me!
After taking care of a few minor issues, I learned how important it is to keep one step ahead of any major repair issue. Maintenance was key. I learned that instead of waiting until the old, leaky water heater to conk out, replace it now. Instead of putting up with slow drains or dripping faucets, take care of the problems now. If the attic is showing signs of a small leak in the roof, address the issue now. The point is, I needed to think ahead in order to head off any potential disaster.
It didn’t take long for the “homeowner honeymoon” to pass. During our first winter, I noticed ice dams forming in a couple of trouble spots on our roof. If ever there was a chance to head off a disaster, this was it. I did NOT want to deal with water damage or mold because of a roof leak.
I knew I had to do something, but I was on a budget – a tight budget. So, I did a little research online, and talked with a roof de-icing expert at Warmzone. I was pleasantly surprised with how affordable a small heat trace system was. After getting all my questions answered, I decided to purchase the roof de-icing system with the self-regulating heat trace cable.

There were several roof de-icing options, ranging from low-voltage heating panels that could be discreetly installed under the shingles to keep entire roof eaves free of snow, to aluminum “snow free” panels that were designed to prevent ice dams and keep roof edges clear. I also checked out a variety of configurations of heat trace cable that are used to provide channels for the runoff, which would also prevent ice dams from forming.
The self-regulating heat cable was the easiest and most affordable option available, yet it would still accomplish exactly what I needed. While the heat cable wouldn’t keep the roof eave entirely free of snow, it would still create channels for the runoff that would prevent ice dams from forming in the two trouble spots on my roof.
Warmzone’s self-reg heating cable is tops among industry performers. The UL recognized cable comes with a 100 percent tinned copper braid, fluoropolymer outer jacket and a continuous metal ground band. The rugged self-regulating cable also features an irradiated conductive core that increases the heat output as the outside temperature falls and decreases the heat output as the temperature rises. This unique, and highly durable construction makes it tough, safe, and very energy efficient.

The system was installed quickly, and has eliminated the “problem spots” in my roof. Every winter, the runoff from the roof flows freely to the gutters and downspouts. (Self-regulating heat cable can also be installed in roof gutters and downspouts, but I didn’t need to go that route.) But since installing the system, it’s been nice not worrying about ice dams or other winter issues.
If you’re looking for a system that simply addresses a few trouble spots on your roof, call Warmzone and talk with them about the self-reg options. They can custom design a system that is specific to your roof and layout needs – and budget. Plus, it’s affordable!
Automated roof de-icing and snow melting systems are energy efficient, maintenance free, and operate silently. To learn more about these clean, renewable energy systems, call a friendly Warmzone representative today, at 888-488-9276.
Warmzone is one of the largest providers of floor heating, snow melting, and roof de-icing systems, as well as luxury home heating amenities. For more information about Warmzone radiant heat systems or luxury amenities, contact a friendly Warmzone representative today, at 888-488-9276.